Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Breath Test Videos

Saw these great breath test videos on YouTube. I mentioned them on my other blog recently, but thought they deserved their own post. For those who believe in the Breathalyzer, these videos will give you something to think about.The first video demonstrates the problem of mouth alcohol. I've seen this myself at a seminar. The individual swigs something with alcohol in his mouth (like Scope, or in

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Loza's Publications Now Online

Most of my legal publications are now uploaded and available for free online at Social Science Research Network.

These publications benefit technology companies, general business and commercial lawyers, and policymakers.

To find my publications, click the link in the title of this blog post. That'll take you to www.ssrn.com. Then use the search feature to find the publications by author (Emile Loza).

I provide the titles to most of my publications below. For more information, please contact me at eloza@TechnologyLawGroup.com.

My publications uploaded to SSRN are:

Professional Journal Articles:

  1. MySpace v. Wallace: The CAN-SPAM Act Applied Within the MySpace Community, 25 Computer & Internet Lawyer 21 (June 2008) (MySpace litigation under the federal CAN-SPAM Act against phishing, ‘bot, and other online conduct), and
  2. MySpace Internal Messaging Inboxes Are E-Mail Addresses under CAN-SPAM Act, in American Bar Association, Annual Review of Intellectual Property Law Developments 2006-2008, 468 (George W. Jordan, III, et al., eds., Jan. 2009).
  3. Video Software Dealers Ass’n v. Schwarzenegger: A Rising Ninth Circuit Case on the Constitutionality of States’ Regulation of Minors’ Access to Violent Video Games, 25 Computer & Internet Lawyer 1 (May 2008) (states’ regulation of minors’ access to violent video games).
  4. What’s Your IQ? – Building Your Information Quotient with Technology-Assisted Due Diligence Can Score You an ‘A+’, 23 E-Commerce Law & Strategy 1 (Feb. 2007).
  5. Financial Considerations in International Intellectual Property Licensing Transactions, published in: 40 International Lawyer 67-93 (American Bar Association, Spring 2006); Les Nouvelles (Licensing Executives Society International, June 2006); and Computer & Internet Lawyer (Aspen Publishing, Wolters Kluwer, Sept. 2006).

Bar Journal Articles:
All in The Advocate (a publication of the Idaho State Bar).

  1. The Odyssey: One Woman Attorney’s Journey in Entrepreneurship, 51 Advocate 25 (Feb. 2008).
  2. Issue-Spotting for Web Sites, 51 Advocate 11 (Jan. 2008);
  3. The Law of Electronic Contracts: The New United Nations Convention, 50 Advocate 40 (Sept. 2007);
  4. Due Diligence in Business Transactions, 49 Advocate 18 (Oct. 2006); and
  5. Intellectual Property Licensing: More Pervasive than You Might Imagine, 48 Advocate 18 (June 2005).
Other of my publications still to be posted online are:
  1. Internet Fraud: Federal Trade Commission Prosecutions of Online Conduct, 23 Communications & The Law 55 (2001);
  2. Access to Pharmaceuticals Under Medicaid Managed Care: Federal Law Compiled and State Contracts Compared, 55 Food & Drug L.J. 449 (2000); and
  3. FDA Regulation of Internet Pharmaceutical Communications: Strategies for Improvement, 55 Food & Drug L.J. 269 (2000).

Google Analytics by Day of Week

The two images below show web traffic to our county court site and to my Albany restaurant review blog. They come from Google Analytics. Very helpful for monitoring our websites.What stands out about this is the difference in traffic by day of the week. The usage of our court site has a clear pattern with Monday as the big day, with a gradual decline to Friday, and then significantly lower

DWI Consequences: Travel to Canada

DWI lawyers frequently get clients who just want the case over with. We lawyers can usually get the charge reduced to DWAI. Then everything's hunky-dory, right?Here's a sobering lesson from a client who took a DWAI:is there ANY WAY to get this charge changed to something else?? i cross the canadian border A LOT for work, and every time i cross i have to pay $200 canadian, and risk not getting in

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Intellectual Property & International Legal Consultation

I am currently providing consultative services to attorneys and to select technology executives on matters of:

Intellectual property strategy and value creation
Intellectual property commercialization
International legal matters

These Technology Law Group brands of IP services help companies build their balance sheets, improve access to venture and other capital, and maximize acquisition prices and royalty incomes.

TLG's international legal services help limit companies' risk of exposure to foreign legal entanglements, produce more reliable and affordable-to-manage international contracts, and maximize net profits.

To discuss a consulting engagement, please contact Emile Loza, MBA, JD, CLP at eloza@TechnologyLawGroup.com.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Strip-searching a 13-year-old?

This New York Times article about a school strip-searching a 13-year-old girl pretty much says it all. The Supreme Court will decide soon on it. This does not sound like the America I was raised to believe in. Would you want your school to do this to your kid?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Albany Lawyer on TV again -- Video Link

Thanks to Liz Bishop for interviewing me about DWI and DWAI cases. The video is here.You can also read my blog post about it on my other blog: Stop Wasting Money on DWI.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Albany Lawyer in the Newspaper

Well, I'm in the paper again.It motivated me to do a blog post on my Stop Wasting Money blog about DWI.I included some great videos, so check it out!Here's the Times Union article.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Power of the Mainstream Media

One of my local-interest websites was mentioned in the Times Union twice recently. The graph below shows the effect of that on website traffic.The two spikes, each about 150 visits, constitute about one third of total traffic to the site during that period. At first that might suggest that the mainstream media has a great deal of power. But it really cuts both ways.On the one hand, the stories

Friday, March 13, 2009

Albany Lawyer on TV!!

I was on NewsChannel 13 last night. I don't see the video online, but here's the story:Tough Times Keeping Lawyers BusyThanks to Abigail Bleck for doing the story and for including me. I'm flattered.The story relates to at least a few of my past blog posts:Recession, Crime and LawyersCriminal Defense Lawyer ThoughtsandThe Surcharge Tax Increase

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great story on FL traffic courts

Below is a great TV expose on a dubious Florida traffic court practice.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

HP Customer Service By Chat

Update on my HP Chat experience. The call never came. E-mails at bottom.-------------------------------My mom has been having problems with her new printer/fax/scanner/phone. So after messing around with it I decided to try to get an RMA from HP. They have a feature where you can "chat" with someone online. I think it said you get instant customer service. I'm copying and pasting the chat as we

Friday, March 6, 2009


The Albany Lawyer will shortly enter his mid-forties. Oh, that's me. Maybe age causes you to talk about yourself in the third-person. Remember Bob Dole? If not, you're either very young or really getting old.Anyway, so far the 40s aren't going so badly. Well, maybe the world economy is going in the tank, so that's not so great. But I was referring to daily life for me.You'd think I'd be worried

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ken Runion, Domain Names, Cybersquatting, and the Law

It has come to my attention that a lot of people are unfamiliar with the law regarding domain names, cybersquatting, and the law. I researched the topic and will discuss it below. Keep in mind that the law may change. This is as of March 2009.First how it came to my attention. I'm active in politics and that unfortunately leads to finding political opponents. Since I started serving on the

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Visit to Massachusetts Traffic Court

We took a little excursion yesterday to see how things work in Massachusetts Traffic Court. It was educational. Massachusetts speeding tickets and other tickets matter to drivers from there and from other states.For MA drivers, most moving violations put two "surcharge points" on your driving record. Major violations, such as a DUI, are 5 points. The official explanation is at the Massachusetts

Monday, March 2, 2009

Google Analytics Quirk

Maybe I'm not as good at math as I thought. How can I get only 7000 visits from over 10,000 keywords? See image below from Google Analytics.Okay, so after I started posting this, I figured out what happened. On the above image, I had it set to compare to a previous period. I think it counted the keywords from both periods. Once I unchecked the "compare to past" box, it came down to 5690 keywords.

The Tom Spargo Witchhunt

I ran across a mention of Tom Spargo today and figured I'd look into his situation. I've always liked him. I knew him before he was a judge. He handled an election law case in front of the judge I worked for, and was a pleasure to work with. I knew him as a judge, and he was one of my favorites. He combined brains, hard work and common sense. That last one is very special.I also worked with him