Sunday, February 26, 2006

Personal injury - taking in tricky cases

Some personal injury cases are straightforward. Car accidents are a good example. Fairly early on, for little or no cost, you can get a good idea of who was at fault, how the accident happened, and what the injuries are. For the facts of the accident, the police report is usually accurate, or at least in the ballpark. For injuries, you get medical records from the client's doctors.Others are

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Vacation challenge

I'll be leaving town for about a week shortly. This is a tremendous challenge for a solo practitioner. You have to get all the work on your desk done, so when you get back you can deal with all the stuff that came in while you were gone.You have to get someone you trust to read your mail, and tell you if anything comes in that requires attention before you get back (or right when you get back).

Interview on Schenectady Public Access

I was interviewed a few weeks ago by Ernie Tetrault for Justice Now. We discussed criminal justice issues and some other topics. Very nice experience.Well now Ernie tells me it's actually going to be on television. Okay, that's not really a surprise. The show will air on the local UPN affiliate, cable channel 4, on Sunday, 2/26, at 11 am.I'm particularly flattered that Ernie asked me to interview

Thursday, February 16, 2006


What's brrreeeport? It's a hot new meaningless term on the web. Some guy named Scoble's idea of an experiment. This just shows how complicated the process of search engine optimization is. If you want to learn more about it, search Google for brrreeeport, or SEO, or search engine optimization.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Personal Injury - copyrighted

The other day I received my "Certificate of Registration". I copyrighted my screenplay and treatment of my "Personal Injury" TV series. I'm so excited I scanned it in and have posted it here. I've never been copyrighted before.Of course this is silly. The odds of success on a TV series are slim to none, and all I really did was pay a fee ($30?) and fill out a form. But I'm excited nonetheless.The

Pleading guilty to speeding tickets

In contrast to my earlier post today, something in the same ballpark just popped up.In this case, the client pled guilty by mail to three speeding tickets between 5/04 and 9/05 (within 18 months of each other). Under NY law, you get your license revoked for that. Each of his speeds were relatively minor (81-85 mph in 65 mph zone).Had she hired a good lawyer to handle these tickets, each would

Speeding ticket websites

I knew this kind of call would come someday. It came today.Caller: Do you handle appeals of speeding tickets?I asked him to tell me more about the situation. He had gotten a speeding ticket in Athens Town Court. Athens is in Greene County, a bit south of Albany. The ticket was for 90 mph in a 65 zone.He went to trial himself, using the Tipmra method. He seemed surprised I'd never heard of it.Of

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Superbowl - Worst referees ever

That was the worst officiating I've ever seen. The most lopsided calls ever. I'm a Giants fan, and I like both the Seahawks and the Steelers. I thought the Seahawks were the better team going in, and after those calls, I still feel that way.Take nothing away from the Steelers. They're a good team and they played a good game. But the refs stole that game from the Seahawks.Bogus interference call.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Marijuana defense - dismissal under NY law - CPL 170.56

If you're facing marijuana charges in New York State, we might be able to help. Please check out our Marijuana Lawyer page.Got part of another case resolved tonight. Client was charged with UPM (unlawful possession of marijuana). Criminal Procedure Law section 170.56 provides for dismissal or ACOD (adjourned in contemplation of dismissal) for UPM and the two misdemeanor marijuana charges, if it's

DWI - Lawyer thinking on his feet

Finally made a deal tonight on a case that had been going for a while. Client charged with DWI after an accident. He was also charged with a few other misdemeanors.The case has been dragging on for a while now. The first ADA seemed to be disinterested and we weren't making any progress. I jumped through a few hoops, and had my client jump through a couple more (alcohol evaluation). I had the

Speeding tickets

With all the traffic on the Speeding Ticket FAQ page on my main site, I figured I should add more information. Plus, I get calls occasionally from people with tickets in other places that I don't handle. I've had calls about Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and many for New York City, Long Island and Westchester.So I've added three new pages:New York City speeding tickets,New Jersey