A number of recent publications and reports have highlighted our innovation economy. Below is a start at compiling statistics contained in these reports. As the numbers show, Idaho presents opportunities for innovators and for those who work to promote innovation-focused economic development in the state.
#1 in Patents Per Capita
#1 in Manufacturing Investment
#3 in Energy Costs
#5 in Long-Term Employment Growth
#5 in Net Migration of Residents
#5 in Renewable Energy Potential
#6 in “Entrepreneurial Energy” (2007 Corporation For Enterprise Development; for more details of the CFED report, please click here.)
#6 in New Company Creation
#8 in Resident Home Ownership
#10 in Households With Computers
From the American Electronics Association's 2008 Cyberstates Report, Idaho ranks:
#6 in semiconductor manufacturing employment (12,100 jobs)
#9 in computer & peripheral equipment manufacturing employment (3700 jobs)
#10 in concentration of technology workers (68 people per 1000 work in the technology industry, compared with Virginia, the state with the highest concentration, at 91 per 1000)
#28 in average high technology wages ($67,200/year, and 107% of average private sector wages)
#32 in high technology payroll ($2.4 billion)
#35 in high technology employment (36,400 people out of 5.9 million nationwide)
#35 in venture capital investment ($16.2 million out of $16.9 billion nationwide)
#35 in spending on research & development ($1 billion)
#39 in number of high technology companies (1800)*
Static numbers, however, don't tell the whole story. Note the changes in the AEA statistics from 2006 to 2007:
Big boost in venture capital investment - Up 977% from a mere $1.5 million**
Flat high technology employment overall - 200 new jobs added.
Semiconductor manufacturing employment - 900 new jobs added.
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