Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NY Tickets and NJ Insurance

We spoke recently with a NJ insurance agent. He had received a ticket in NY which was an 1110a. This was a "road-side writedown" where the cop was giving him a break from a speed. The agent told us that an 1110a would increase insurance rates by as much $900 per year for three years. He said he wished the cop had written him for a low speed because ...NJ insurance companies treat a first-time low

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Supreme Court on the DWI Exception to the Constitution

The Supreme Court decided not to hear an appeal on a drunk driving case that was dismissed. Virginia's highest court threw out the conviction in Harris v. Commonwealth (a pdf file). It found that the stop was unconstitutional - based only on an anonymous tip.Chief Justice Roberts (and Justice Scalia) felt the Court should have reviewed the case. Below are some excerpts of Roberts' opinion). His

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Loza's Web Site Issue-spotting Paper Makes SSRN Top Ten List

Social Science Research Network has named my publication, "Issue-Spotting for Web Sites," to its Top Ten download list for its Corporate Law Practice network.

Written in easily-accessible business language, I point out in this article intellectual property title, domain name misconduct, and other issues that should be addressed when developing a Web site or application.

My paper was originally published in the Idaho State Bar's The Advocate.

To see and download this and all my legal publications, please click the link on this posting's title.

To request more information, please post a comment here.

Speeding Ticket Story: A Tough Situation

Most of our speeding ticket cases are straightforward. We get hired, get all the information in order, contact the court and prosecutor, negotiate a reduction to something less, and let the client know the result and what they need to do. There's more to it than that, but that's the essence.Every once in a while we get a client who needs a trial. This story is an example of that.I'll call her

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Ghost of Altamont

Halloween is coming up, so it's time for a ghost story:

Friday, October 9, 2009

DWI Story: Listening to the Radio While Intoxicated

For a new kick, I'm starting a series of stories about past cases I've handled. This one's a DWI story, from a few years ago. As part of my pattern for stories about cases, some elements will be fictionalized mainly to protect the client. In this case there was a trial, so the truth is really a matter of public record, though practically it would be difficult to find the record if you don't know